
EPFL Architecture is constituted of the Institute of Architecture and the City (IA), the Architecture Section (SAR), the Doctoral Program Architecture and Sciences of the city (EDAR), the Archive of Modern Construction (ACM) and the cultural platform Archizoom. The EPFL Architecture community work within and at the boundaries of their disciplines to position themselves in today’s context of climatic and social urgency. Building upon science, technologies, theoretical and practical instruments that provide a better understanding of causes and effects, architecture is a powerful tool to transmute these insights into projects and give new perspectives into real life scenarios.

Embedded within the ENAC faculty and it’s major strategic axes: climate emergency, urbanization, and digitalization, EPFL Architecture flourishes within a transdisciplinary milieu, where architects, civil engineers and environmental engineers engage together in research and education with the mission to find new bridges to fuse knowledge and action, and to ignite positive transformations for our societies.


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