Architecture Hub

The Architecture Hub gives access to the latest news of EPFL Architecture within the ENAC faculty, as well as presenting teaching and research programs, governance and people at the core of the community. The organizational structure of EPFL Architecture and the EPFL ecosystem is described in the glossary.  


School Lecture Series, Printemps 25
Archizoom Exhibition: Sun Shines on Architecture

Vernissage de la publication et de l'exposition TEMPUS TRANSITUS regroupant les travaux d'étudiants produits dans le cadre du cours Magma & Principes des professeurs Marco Bakker et Alexandre Blanc - MANSLAB. Le vernissage de la publication aura lieu le lundi 10 mars 2025 à partir de 17h30 dans le foyer SG (Project Room). L'exposition se tiendra du 10 au 16 mars 2024. Le quatrième tome de la série Morceaux de domesticité s’intéresse à l’espace domestique de l’entrée à travers le thème de la transformation. Cet espace de transition, entre l’extérieur et le chez-soi, à la frontière du collectif et du …

Tempus Transitus, Vernissage du livre et exposition / MANSLAB
Etat des lieux - Constellations / ALICE
Boris Hamzeian, Cuno Brullmann, Le Forum du Centre Pompidou / DC-LAB
School Lecture Series: Harquitectes / EPFL Architecture

Dans le cadre des Rencontres du LASUR, nous avons le plaisir d'accueillir Daniel Cefaï et Mathieu Berger, qui présenteront leur ouvrage collectif nommé Écologie humaine. Une science sociale des milieux de vie. Qu'est-ce que l'écologie humaine ? En livrant une généalogie de la pensée écologique dans les sciences sociales et en l'illustrant par une série d'enquêtes, cet ouvrage défend trois approches complémentaires de l'étude des milieux de vie humains. Il revient, d'abord, à Chicago, aux origines de l'écologie humaine, quand ont été forgés les premiers outils d'analyse statistique et cartographique des territoires urbains et suburbains. Il rend compte, ensuite, d'une …

Écologie humaine. Une science sociale des milieux de vie, Daniel Cefaï & Mathieu Berger / LASUR
Sun Shines on Architecture / ARCHIZOOM

Sun Shines on Architecture 21.03-21.06.2025 In spring 2025, Archizoom is inviting you to immerse yourself into the world of solar architecture. Capturing, filtering, reflecting or protecting: the interactions of the sun with architecture and with our territories are many and varied. The sun is at once a source of precious energy, of unwanted heat, and of light. In the face of global warming, these technical and poetic challenges are getting a real update — illustrated in the exhibition by work from EPFL laboratories and the resurgence of historical examples. This exhibition is part of the Solar Biennale 2: Soleil-s Vernissage! …

Sun Shines on Architecture / ARCHIZOOM

The lecture series “Architecture of Extraction” explores the past and present relationship between architectural form and extractive processes—as seen by scholars and practitioners. What is the connection between a material’s origin and extraction mechanism, the forces that guide, facilitate, and conduct those activities, and the particular form the material takes in architecture? What is the political economy of this specific material, as in, how is value extracted from it, and what role does architecture play in 1that process? What role does technology impart in extractive processes or in seeking solutions against these? Finally, what alternatives to extraction have design practices …

Architecture of Extraction: Galaad Van Daele / RIOT


URBES Laboratory at the exhibition "Datapoiesis" in Venice
David Jolly: The teaching legacy of the Open City movement

30.12.24 - Nathalie Marj, an architecture student at EPFL, has been awarded the RIBA Awards for Sustainable Design and received a special mention for the RIBA Silver Medal for her master’s project “Protocols for Beirut’s Unbuildable Lots: Designing Non-Sectarian Spaces.” This project explores innovative solutions for non-sectarian public spaces in Beirut, addressing crucial environmental, social, and economic sustainability challenges in a complex urban context. For 188 years, the RIBA President’s Medals have recognized the best student work in architecture worldwide. This year, out of 372 submissions, Nathalie’s project stood out for its response to key sustainability challenges while imagining non-sectarian …

RIBA President's Medals 2024: Nathalie Marj Awarded
So you've left student accommodation. What next?
2024 Durabilis Award: focusing on solutions and risks
Field study and lecture of the role of architectural design
EDAR doctoral program EPFL Distinction
EPFL Pavilions' Lighten Up! exhibition opens in Winterthur

Living Archives

Water Designs: l'eau dessine la ville
On Architecture and Greenwashing, The Political Economy of Space Vol. 1

Industrial organizations have significantly shaped the relationship between urbanization and industrialization through their policies of constructing and managing urban spaces, as well as their social actions, with company towns representing an outstanding example of this influence. Often seen as remnants of history, some company towns still maintain an active presence in their original territories, significantly affecting the daily lives of their residents in the long term. At the heart of these projects, quality of life was a fundamental unit of measure alongside worker productivity. Reading these realities through the lens of biopolitics offers a perspective to examine how power was …

Dalmine lives. A biopolitical history of an Italian company town
Concrete: Cosmetic and Care, The Great Repair Exhibition

En aval du lac Léman, la ville de Genève profite d'une situation unique dans l'Arc lémanique. Le resserrement des rives du lac forme une rade que la ville structure jusqu'à reformer le Rhône qui devient alors son émissaire. Ce coeur liquide, ou temenos, selon la formulation d'André Corboz, est ancré dans la culture genevoise comme l'un des symboles majeurs de la ville. Depuis la fin du XIXe siècle, la rade entame une mutation de sa condition portuaire vers un espace de détente qu'elle peine à devenir. Ce projet a pour vocation de sortir les quais de la crise identitaire qu'ils …

Temenos. Projet de réaménagement des quais de la rade de Genève
Exposition MAP 24

Exhibitions and conferences

School Lecture Series Autumn 2024 - Housing Vol.1
Exhibition: Begin Again. Fail Better
Neighbours Lecture Series vol.4
Exhibition: Brut. 50 ans d'un écrin monumental / ACM
EXHIBITION: Water Designs: l’eau dessine la ville / Archizoom
Exhibition: Zombie Tech / Archizoom
Symposium: Technologie du Bâti / Dreier,Frenzel

Prizes and Awards

RIBA President's Medals 2024: Nathalie Marj Awarded
SIA Master Prize 2024: Meryl Barthe & Noémie Perregaux-Dielf and Enzo Migliano

EPFL architecture graduates, Vincent Digneaux, Solène Guisan and Vincent Kastl, were crowned winners of the Sustainable is Beautiful student architecture prize for their modular footbridge over the Chamberonne river. Designing the structure, which serves as both a crossing and a meeting place, gave them their first taste of life as an architect. Several years ago, the Laboratory of Architecture and Sustainable Technologies (LAST) at EPFL’s School of Architecture, Civil and Environmental Engineering (ENAC) launched Sustainable is Beautiful, a competition run in partnership with public and private organizations involved in green-transition projects, to help equip budding architects for their future role.

Sustainable is Beautiful Student Architecture Prize / LAST
Distinction FEB 2024


The Dogma practice, founded in 2002 by Pier Vittorio Aureli, associate professor at the EPFL Architecture Department (ENAC), and Martino Tattara, has been awarded the prestigious Charles Jencks 2023 Prize by the Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA).

Created in 2003 to reward an individual (or office) who has recently made a major contribution to both the theory and practice of architecture, this prestigious prize has distinguished architects such as Peter Eisenman, Zaha Hadid, Rem Koolhaas, Jacques Herzog and Pierre de Meuron over the years.

2023 RIBA CHARLES JENCKS AWARD: Dogma, Pier Vittorio Aureli and Martino Tattara
SIA Master Awards 2023: "Paris, Transit: last-mile food platform", Marie-Ange Farrell and Manuel Rossi
2023 Fondation Arditi, Master Project Award / Theodora Stefan
The Real Book /ALICE

Housing is a major contributor to Switzerland's carbon footprint and energy consumption, but it is also a basic need. Research on climate change mitigation strategies has so far paid insufficient attention to households' preferences and their contribution to housing sustainability. Depicting residential preferences requires an understanding of the multilevel, context-specific, and interrelated determinants of the match between households and dwellings, which are made explicit in the residential mobility process.

2022 EDAR doctoral program laureate for the EPFL Distinction /Anna Pagani
Paola Viganò wins the Schelling Award for Architectural Theory
Architect Anne Lacaton wins the Erna Hamburger Award